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Anthony K. Martienssen
Publisher: Sapere Books (March 3, 2024)
Pages: 343

From pre-war preparations to the Battle of the Atlantic, all the way through to the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany, Hitler and His Admirals offers a comprehensive history of Germany's naval actions during World War Two.An ideal book for fans of Ian Toll, Craig L. Symonds, and Simon Parkin.At the end of the Second World War, Hitler ordered that every military document should be destroyed, however Admiral Karl Dönitz, believing that his navy had waged war honourably, made sure that naval records were preserved and they were soon captured by British and American Intelligence officers.Through his role as editor of this collection of documents, known as the ‘Fuehrer Conferences’, Anthony Martienssen, was able to gain unique insight into the actions of the German Naval High Command: why they pursued certain strategies, such as the U-Boat war, what was their relationship with Hitler like, and ...
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4.5 stars from 162 ratings