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Brenda Novak
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Pages: N/A

Take a ride with New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak in this touching story of family, forgiveness…and bad reputations.Ten years ago, Harley Nelson got on his motorcycle and drove out of Portland, Oregon, leaving behind a bad reputation, a baby, and the woman responsible for both—Audra Worthington. Now Audra's dead, and their son, Brandon, is being raised by her perfect sister Lauren. But Harley is a changed man. He's a self-made success down in California, and he's finally ready to take responsible for the son he left behind.Lauren is a good girl from a good family. She's a rule follower, and she knows that Harley Nelson is anything but. It feels like trouble has walked right back into town when he shows up at her door saying he wants to get to know his son. Regardless of how good he still looks in that leather jacket, he's still ten years too late, in her opinion.It's clear ...
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5 stars from 186 ratings