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Susan Mallery
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Pages: 294

Discover a second chance at first love, from beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery. Originally published as Expecting! in 2003. For the first time, Hannah Bingham is doing what she wants, not what’s expected. Ever since her mom died and her dad’s rich family shipped her off to boarding school, she has yearned to return to the place she always belonged—her scenic mountain hometown.After ten long years, she’s finally back, pregnant and alone, which means facing her family and rekindling the crush she once had on tall, dark and devastating Eric Mendoza. Unfortunately, Eric views their small town as one step on the road to the executive suite, while Hannah is determined to make a home here for the baby she already fiercely loves. As Eric’s actions reveal a heart that cares deeply, Hannah just may discover that home isn’t a place, but a person—the right person, and a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,137 ratings