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Natasha Madison
Publisher: (May 10, 2024)
Pages: 399

From Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon Bestselling Author Natasha Madison comes new enemies to lovers, forbidden, single mom, hockey romance.ChristopherI came from the biggest hockey family in the NHL.Records were set by my grandfather, my father, and now my brother.I was taught to love the game, but more than that, I learned early the men you play with are your family.You get on the ice every night and protect them, celebrate the wins, and pick each other up when you fall.So when we lost Benji, I stepped in to help his wife and kids, but this pull I feel when it comes to them is something more than I can even understand.DakotaMy life was perfect, until it wasn’t.Gone was the husband I thought I knew and in his place was a stranger.I saw him change before my eyes.Then he was gone, leaving me and our girls alone.I wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything that took him away ...
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5 stars from 3,013 ratings