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Valentina Kay, Daniele Bonfanti
Publisher: Bee Lab
Pages: N/A #1 Best Seller in Comics, Manga & Graphic Novels (Free eBooks)"Urlan, Cosmic Cat" is a ground-breaking exploration of AI-human collaboration in graphic storytelling.Written, edited, lettered by Daniele Bonfanti and Valentina Kay, the art has been fully realized with OpenAI's Dall-E 3through the ChatGPT Pro interface.A short but complete space adventure in gorgeous black&white (plus yellow) which weaves the emerging technology's strengths and weaknesses into narrative solutions.Delve into the “making of” section for a step-by-step look at the creative process, including useful tips and funny behind the scenes. Also featuring an exclusive interview with the AI artist itself, none other than ChatGPT!At the fringes of the dreaded Triangle, a sector notorious for vanishing spaceships, the legendary temple ship Magnificat reemerges after a century.Enter Urlan—a daredevil ...
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4.5 stars from 29 ratings