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Nancy Warren
Publisher: Storm Publishing
Pages: 300

A Chicago news reporter chasing her big break in jazz-age Paris, an exclusive with a renowned couture designer, and a stepmother lying dead among the silk and sequins...Paris 1925: When news reporter Abigail Dixon trades the Chicago newsroom for the Paris fashion scene, she finds herself dazzled by the latest looks from Coco Chanel, sipping champagne at the Ritz, and interviewing a famous designer. Stepping into his luxurious atelier on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Abigail is ready to swoon over the exquisite gowns. The last thing she expects to find is her estranged stepmother lying dead on the fitting room floor – and Abigail framed as the prime suspect.With only her high school French to defend herself to the debonair Inspector Henri Deschamps, Abigail must use her investigative skills to unravel a tangled web of family secrets and find the real murderer if she is to clear her ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 71 ratings