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La Fonceur
Publisher: Emerald Books
Pages: N/A

Clear your Vitamin Dilemma! Get answers to all your questions about vitamins B and C in Eat So What! The Science of Water-Soluble Vitamins!In today's fast-paced lifestyle, falling short on essential vitamins is common. Vitamin supplements may seem like an easy solution, but despite the health benefits of vitamins, not all supplements have been scientifically proven to be beneficial.Eat So What! The Science of Water-Soluble Vitamins covers everything you need to know about the vitamins B and C. It provides in-depth scientific insights on water-soluble vitamins and answers all your questions about vitamins B and C, including,Clear Your Vitamin Dilemma: Get answers to your doubts about water-soluble vitamins, such as which vitamin you should take and when, which foods to avoid when taking vitamins B and C, the best ways to take these vitamins, and which vitamin combinations are dangerous ...
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