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Publisher: unknown
Pages: 168

Ready to revolutionize your worldview?Feel overwhelmed by complex decisions?Tired of always being outplayed in key decisions?Ever marvel at those who are always ahead of the game? Want to be one of them?Whether it's a high-stakes negotiation at work, deciding on a major personal investment, or navigating complex family dynamics, the fear of loosing and making the wrong move can be paralyzing.You're not alone in this. Many of us struggle silently, questioning our decisions, or worse, regretting the roads not taken. This pervasive uncertainty isn’t just about lacking the right information—it’s about lacking the right strategies to leverage that information.This book was born to demystify the art of strategy that elite thinkers and leaders seem to wield effortlessly. From the first page, you'll discover that the principles of game theory aren’t just for economists or CEOs; they're ...
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3.5 stars from 2 ratings