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J.S Donovan
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 1107

Secrets unravel and danger mounts as Theresa's search for her missing twins leads her straight into the shadows of her own dark history.When twins Ashley and Sarah disappear, their mother Theresa's world shatters. Guided by Detective Hal, clues eerily point to her past lover—the twins' father. Plunged into a dark maze with enemies lurking at every turn, can Theresa's fierce love bring her daughters back from a perilous fate? Dive into a pulse-pounding tale of love, betrayal, and suspense.The Painting MurdersNewlywed artist Ellie Batter has it all: the perfect husband, the dream job and a nice cushion of money earned through years of sacrifice and hard work. After creating her latest masterpiece, Ellie's entire world is flipped upside down. What caused her to paint the bloodied stranger? Ellie didn’t know, but days later a woman of the painting’s exact likeness is found dead. Obsessed ...
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