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Wendi Blum Weiss, Daniela Thelusma, Steven Thelusma, Patricia Wooster, Rachel Brissenden , Amber Stitt
Publisher: WoosterMedia
Pages: 222

Unleash Your Superpower: Impact the WorldAre you ready to leave the traditional 9-5 and embark on an entrepreneurial journey? You're not alone. A growing number of individuals seek meaningful work, aspiring to create a legacy, achieve independence, and contribute to the causes they believe in.Impact Entrepreneur is a compelling read that offers a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship. This book is filled with profound insights and engaging stories from authors who have made their mark by leveraging their unique strengths. They share how they've used their superpowers to achieve success beyond wealth while positively affecting their families, communities, and the planet.Inside, you'll find strategies to:Evolve professionally and personally.Infuse your life with impact, purpose, and deeper meaning.Monetize your expertise in a way that benefits humanity.Collaborate globally to extend your ...
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5 stars from 31 ratings