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Rita C. Morales
ASIN: B0D38S93N3
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 193

Unlock the full potential of your sourdough with 60+ carefully selected recipes that transform discard into amazing delights, minimizing waste while maximizing flavor.I've heard people say, 'I hate sourdough because you always have to throw away something.' What if I told you that those discarded remnants hold the key to delicious, sustainable dishes?If you've been maintaining a sourdough starter, you're probably aware that there is a process to build up the yeast in the starter from the environment and from what is on the grains. It requires a constant supply of flour and water. To avoid filling up your entire house during that process, you will have some discard. Many people don't like throwing it away, myself included.Introducing the solution to your sourdough discard dilemma: the "Sourdough Discard Recipes Cookbook."Step by step, you will learn how to make fluffy sourdough discard ...
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