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Jasmine Willow
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 142

Are you being overly sensitive to a partner's actions and moods?Are you tired of overthinking every text message and social media post?Do you often feel unworthy in relationships and I have a huge fear of being abandoned ?Do you crave secure, fulfilling connections, but anxious attachment keeps pulling you back?If yes, then keep reading…You're not alone. Millions struggle with anxious attachment. It's so annoying living like this, the constant feeling of being unworthy while also obsessively wanting love. Imagining hurtful scenarios and not trusting others. The worst thing about being anxious is that you lose all certainty in yourself.So, instead of letting the waves of emotion sweep you away, become aware and swim with it. This is an opportunity to grow and learn more about yourself and move towards a healthier secure attachment style.As someone who struggled with an anxious attachment ...
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5 stars from 2 ratings