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Helena St. George
Publisher: Helena St. George
Pages: 237

The Viking Saxon Saga and the Stolen Mysticals: A Historical Fiction Fantasy is a Magical Tale of Mystery and MayhemThe sound of splintering wood jolts twelve-year-old Torin and Terra awake. Hearing thundering footsteps below, they rush to the top of the stairs as the front door crashes to the floor. A mysterious woman shrouded in black sweeps through the opening. Intruders dash in behind her. They break everything in sight, searching for a shield, a book, and a key—her mysticals.The woman claims their father, Ravn, stole her precious property. When he denies taking anything of hers, he’s beaten, gagged, and shackled. Terra and Torin give away their position when they cry out. The intruders charge up the stairs to seize them, but the twins escape through hidden stairs leading outside. From the top of a knoll, they watch in horror as henchmen heave their father onto the back of a horse ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2 ratings